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House Spiders

The Various Characteristics of House Spider

House spiders are quite common in well… houses across the world. Giant House Spiders are also found all across the world. The house spiders are also known as domestic spiders. The giant ones are related to domestic spiders and the more famous one known as hobo spider. Usually their bite is not harmful to the humans or the pets in the house. Females are generally larger than the males and can acquire a leg span of 45mm and have a body length of 12-15 mm. while the males are slightly smaller at 12 mm in body length. However there leg spans can vary vastly between 25-75 mm. 

The giant domestic spiders

The giant ones found in homes have extremely hairy legs and abdomen. The giant spiders were native to North Western Europe and have been introduced to the Northern parts of America in the early 1900’s due to migration of humans and increased business between the two continents. The webs that are built by the giant spiders are flat and not beautifully structures unlike other spiders. Rather they have a funnel like opening at one end. The spider will wait inside the funnel web for the prey to walk through. Unfortunately when a prey does happen to walk inside the funnel web, the spider can easily run out and will attack the prey and kill the prey.

They usually build their webs in places that are least likely to be disturbed by animals or humans. Their favorite nesting places are usually basements and attics. Sometimes they can also be found at window openings. The mating season for these spiders is during the late summer and early autumn season. During this period, the male spiders can be seen wandering and looking for females for mating.

This species of spider has venom that can paralyze the prey, but is not known to be harmful for humans. They are the fastest spiders and their speed has also been noted by the Guinness Book of World Records for clocking an amazing speed of 1.73 ft per second.

The body characteristics of the domestic spider

The usual domestic house spiders have a longish or an elongated body and a normally flat cephalothorax and abdomen. The ratio of their body to that of their legs is 50-60%. Usually they can reach a span of almost an inch with their leg span. The females are longer than the males in case of domestic spiders. The females measure about 7.5 – 11.5 mm while the males measure 6 – 9 mm. males have longer and are more agile than the females.

The color of the domestic species of the spiders is quite dark orange or beige in most parts of the world. While in North America, they tend be in darker shades of brown. These spiders are quite agile and nimble footed and will scurry away rather quickly in search of prey and food. They are more likely to be found at home, when the winter starts to set in as they begin to seek shelter during the colder season.

They also have keen eyesight which is due to the fact that six out of eight of their eyes are in the front. This also allows them to see even the smallest movement. With this information they can either then seek to run away or follow the prey. They are also quite photosensitive and will actually flee way from the source of light.

These spiders have extremely precise movements and will move in short intervals. They will walk and then stop as they decide which route to take. Further they will actively pursuit a prey, if they can spot them.

Is their bite harmful?

The bite that they deliver will contain venom and can leave lesions over the bite infected spot that are similar to the lesions that are caused by burning objects. The bite can cause considerable pain and can cause fatigue or even restlessness or malaise in both adults and children. These symptoms will wear off quite easily and the area should be treated with iodine. The symptoms will disappear within 3 days and no further medical help is required.

Trubad Hassan
How to Get Rid of Spiders for Beginners
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